Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Face Your Life Essay - 1343 Words

There are many different modern perspectives of psychology. These modern perspectives are cognitive,psychoanalysis,humanistic-cultural,behavioral and evolutionary. Any change that happens in your life must come from you and your own efforts. Although a psychologist can guide you, no one can do the work for you. A small daily event can sometimes lay back a deep impact on your life. This is one such incident, where a normal routine incident taught me a very important principle of life. When thinking about a key event in regard to different personality theories, I felt that I could most relate that key event of my life to the humanistic and behavioral theory. I will mainly be emphasizing on these two modern perspectives. Moreover, I will†¦show more content†¦The marks obtained at this exam determine the junior college you can attend. There is immense societal pressure on a person to do well at his 10th grade. As a result I really wanted to do well in these exams so that I cou ld prove it to everyone that I have the capability of getting a good result. The exams started somewhere in January. They were going pretty fine until this morning. The previous day, I had a really good Math paper and I was really excited as I was rewarded by positive consequences according to the humanistic perspective. After returning home, I didn’t study much for the next paper. Feeling pretty tired; I decided to go off to bed, get up early next morning, study and then go for my exam as my positive optimistic behavior lead me to a superstitious feeling that it will lead me and my goals with good positive rewards However, when I got up, I just had an hour to my exam. I started panicking and I did not know what to do as it completely changed my behavior and my optimistic human nature turned to pessimistic human nature. Moreover, I was very tense, depressed and too afraid to give my exam because of the change in my behavior. I thought that if I don’t do well in this p aper, it would spoil my overall grades and will be rewarded by a negative consequences for sure and I never wanted that thing to happen to me and my grades. Like any other teenager, I started looking at the easy way outs. I had toShow MoreRelatedCell Phones And Its Effects On Our Lives995 Words   |  4 Pagestoday’s society, people tend to text each other rather than have face-to-face conversation. However, thirty years ago if you were compelled to give a message or talk to someone, you would call or go visit them. Everyone needs to realize their worth in the world and technology isn’t helping them. So many of us are missing out on numerous different opportunities due to the lack of personal conversations. Significantly, there is more to life than our cell phones. 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