Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Workplace Diversity Managers and Employers

Question: Describe about the Workplace Diversity for Managers and Employers. Answer: Introduction Diversity in the workplace is a concept which is yet to be fully understood by many companies. For managers and employers who are unsure about what diversity is, how it can affect their company and why it is important, they need to explore or carry out a research on the topic so as to have a better understanding of it. Diversity in the workplace is when a work environment comprises of employees from different backgrounds with differences in race, ethnicity, and religion. Other factors which contribute to diversity as such as differences in gender, physical ability, educational backgrounds, environment employees come from as well as difference in levels of intelligence. Diversity is advantageous for a company so that they can be able to reach a wider market by incorporation of ideas from different people from different backgrounds. This in return helps the organizations output increase (Martn et al., 2013). In carrying out the research, questions which need to be answered are such as identification of what workplace diversity means, how it benefits the company, how both the employer and employee benefits from implementation of diversity in the workplace and what policies need to be put in place to facilitate for diversity (Canas Sondak, 2013). Research Methodologies and Techniques In order for optimal results to be achieved from this research, there is need for qualitative and quantitative means to be used in carrying out the research. Qualitative means while help in giving the employers a better understanding of diversity in the workplace as a concept and what it entails and it can also help for employers to develop new ideas for implementation in the workplace. Quantitative data collects data which is inclusive of numerical explanations which can be used in giving feedback on attitudes and opinions towards a certain topic of discussion. In determination of the general attitudes collected about a sample of people one can be able to form a basis of whether they will implement diversity in their workplace or not (Chrobot-Mason Aramovich, 2013). Research Process The process of carrying out research on the topic would require generation of questionnaires which would be given to employees of different companies from which their attitudes and conclusions on diversity in the workplace can be sampled. The research questions can be carried out by the interview questions being sent out to the interviewees or if possible, interviews can be carried out in person. The questions can be both open and close ended questions depending on what the researcher needs more information on. Open ended questions can help in collection of qualitative data where interviewees can give additional information pertaining to their opinions and attitudes on diversity in the workplace. Closed ended questions can be helpful in collection of quantitative data where results can be grouped as per the number of questions who responded in a certain way as per certain criteria set in the interview questions (Creswell Clark, 2007). Data Collection and Analysis Methods Qualitative data can be collected by carrying out individual interviews where the interviewer can be able to ask questions where from the feedback given they can be able to collect deeper information giving better insight on their views and opinions about the topic. Data can also be collected from identification of focus groups as well as their attitudes towards questions asked. An interviewer can collect data by means of observation where they can note body language and other traits when the interviewees are asked different questions. Body language is a tool which can be used in identification of how people react to a certain topic of conversation. For most people, when engaging in a topic they are not interested in they are shifty, are unable to maintain eye contact and they give straight answers without enthusiasm for answering. People who show interest in a topic usually are happier in responding, give additional details, maintain eye contact and are less shifty during the conduc tion of interviews (Barak, 2013). Quantitative data can be collected by means of observation where the interviewer can make mental counts or note down the number of people who respond positively and those who do not respond positively on the subject. It can also be collected by making count of responses returned especially in closed ended questions usually those which are yes or no questions. Survey tools which are digital such as Survey Monkey can be used where questionnaires may be sent to interviewees emails where when they are submitted, the tool can be able to collect and present data according to responses by the interviewees (Creswell Clark, 2007). Expected Research Outcomes By the end of this research, there are expectations of company managers and employers understanding better what diversity in the workplace is and the advantages it has being implemented in their company as well as the cons which arise from its implementation. Giving insight can help them in making better and informed choices regarding employee diversity and they can decide with them reflecting on the data collected and deciding. With insight on the workplace diversity, managers are better placed to make policies which can be put in place if they are convinced to implement diversity in the workplace. Policies set should incorporate a wide range of people and cultures especially those surrounding the business since they are most likely the ones to be employed into the company. They should not however be limited to the surrounding population and should be open enough to incorporate other people who might find interest in the company with tem having different backgrounds (Van Knippenberg et al., 2013). Conclusion There is need for carrying out a research so as to show company managers the importance of diversity in the workplace as well as the advantages it poses for them so that they can be able to harness it and make it work for them. In implementation of diversity, the research should be inclusive of the appropriate policies which would make the work place conducive to work in for people from different cultures without any feeling undermined. This research will be carried out with a purpose of popularization of and creating a better understanding of diversity. References Barak, M. E. M. (2013).Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Canas, K., Sondak, H. (2013).Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity. Pearson Higher Ed. Chrobot-Mason, D., Aramovich, N. P. (2013). The psychological benefits of creating an affirming climate for workplace diversity.Group Organization Management,38(6), 659-689. Creswell, J. W., Clark, V. L. P. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Dipboye, R. L., Colella, A. (Eds.). (2013).Discrimination at work: The psychological and organizational bases. Psychology Press. Klarsfeld, A., Booysen, L. A., Ng, E., Roper, I., Tatli, A. (Eds.). (2014).9.78 E+ 12: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment. Edward Elgar Publishing. Martn Alczar, F., Miguel Romero Fernndez, P., Snchez Gardey, G. (2013). Workforce diversity in strategic human resource management models: A critical review of the literature and implications for future research. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 20(1), 39-49. Van Knippenberg, D., van Ginkel, W. P., Homan, A. C. (2013). Diversity mindsets and the performance of diverse teams. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 121(2), 183-193.

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